I have been working tirelessly for the last couple months creating resources, taking online business courses and preparing my launch material. It’s been terrifying, stressful and also really fulfilling. I never thought I could be the type of person that could create so many things.

I thought I was destined to work a “regular” job. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED being a speech therapy assistant. I MISS being with the kiddos everyday. BUT there was something missing. I knew I was meant for something else.

Now that everything I’ve created is out there the most terrifying thing is…. will you like it? I’ve experienced failure so many times that in the back of my head I can’t help but expect it. All I know is no matter what I’m going to keep working on this. I KNOW that there is nothing else I would rather be doing. I WANT to help people THIS WAY and I’ll keep trying to make it happen. I’ll keep learning and improving just like the kiddos that I want to help.

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