Slump Days

I usually do a bit of work over the weekends to make up for the breaks I take during the week. I somehow feel that if I don’t do at least a bit of work over the weekend, I’m somehow not working my hardest. Today was especially tough, I felt sluggish all day and I just really wasn’t in the mood to draw a few pages for my next book.

Now I don’t know about you, but if I start to lose momentum, it snowballs so quickly I usually don’t even realize that I’ve gone from being my most productive self, to a mindless blob on the couch. So no matter what I always try my best to do at least a little bit of work each day to keep the ball rolling. Some days I’ll have gotten in 10 hours of work and some days I’ll only have gotten in an hour (usually on the weekend), and I think that is something I just have to be okay with and not beat myself up about.

Shannon Yu